intermezzo|intermezzi|intermezzos in English


[in·ter·mez·zo || ‚ɪntə(r)'metsəʊ]

entertaining musical composition performed between the acts of a play or opera; short piece of music placed between two larger sections of a composition; short musical compositio

Use "intermezzo|intermezzi|intermezzos" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "intermezzo|intermezzi|intermezzos" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "intermezzo|intermezzi|intermezzos", or refer to the context using the word "intermezzo|intermezzi|intermezzos" in the English Dictionary.

1. Between 1966 and 1976, half of the stock of stud stallions were recruited from stallions with the Elk antler brand, including Intermezzo, Schöner Abend and Halali.

2. Opera is music, drama, literature, dance, theater and art as a comprehensive integration of art, usually by the Aria, Recitative, ensemble, chorus, Overture, Intermezzo , dances and other components.

3. Ohlsson’s concert will run the gamut of Brahmsian styles, ranging from the soulful intimacy of his intermezzos and ballades to the scintillating virtuosity of three great sets of themes and variations.

4. Such Good Friends; Felix Mendelssohn: Introduction and Rondo capriccioso, Op. 14; Robert Schumann: Eight Fantasy Pieces, Op. 12 (Des Abends, Aufschwung, Warum?, Grillen, In der Nacht, Fabel, Traumes Wirren, Ende vom Lied); Clara Schumann: Romance, Op. 11, No. 1; Johannes Brahms: Intermezzi, Op. 117, Nos. 1, 2 and 3; Pieces for Piano, Op. 118, No. 2, 119, No. 1; Fantasia, Op. 116, No. 4.